Box Drill 2.0


This drill incorporates two wide transitions, two precision hits and a reload.

  1. Set 2 USPSA targets 5 yards apart.
  2. From 7 yards, draw from the holster and deliver 2 hits to the body of Target 1. Transition to Target 2 and deliver a headshot.
  3. Speed load (does not have to be from slide lock).
  4. Deliver 2 hits to the body of Target 2. Transition to Target 1 and deliver a headshot.
  5. WORLD CLASS= under 3.5 seconds (record by Bob Vogel 2.67 + C zone hit, 3.17, November 2019), EXPERT= under 4.0, INTERMEDIATE= under 5.0, PASS= under 7.0. Any headbox hit counts, add 0.5 seconds for C hits (deltas do over!).

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