Unsupported Shooting Warm-Up

Unsupported Shooting Warm-Up Drill

  1. Print a Dot Torture target or trace 10 two inch circles onto a piece of paper.
  2. Beginners start at 3 yards, intermediate 5 yards and advanced 7+ yards. No time limit.
  3. Deliver one hit each to circles 1-5 with the support hand only. Then deliver one hit each to circles 6-10 with the strong hand only.

Note: I find keeping the gun straight up and down and fighting my natural bone alignment helps with accuracy for flat range drills. More than anything, accurate shooting with one hand is about pressing the trigger without disturbing the sights. Try this without ammunition first. If you detect the sights or the frame moving when you press the trigger, reset the trigger and smooth out the trigger press.

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